Saturday, 14 July 2012

If you go down to the woods today . . . .

I do  hope that you read the title with the tune going through your mind . . . you'll be sure of a big surprise. I could go on, it's quite a nice bouncy tune but not one for my running list.

Running before 7am, You Must be Mad
Running in the morning, early, 'can she do it', 'yes she can'!  Last Saturday saw the alarm at the earlier time of 6.10am.  And last Saturday, if you were down on the South Coast, you know it was hideous.  Lashing wind and rain with no let up and it was exactly like that at 6.20am.  No need to worry about sweat marks today, I was one giant sweat mark, like I'd been sat in a bath with all my clothes on.  I did learn one thing about running in the rain though, bits of you rub against your clothes that didn't rub before.  Now I get what the Vaseline is for.

My Network of Support and I'm not talking about Bridget Jones' Pants
This network has been invaluable to help me keep going, getting me out of bed in the morning so I'd just like to take a moment to say a big thank you to all those who are aware of my running quest and my concern about the early morning runs. There are a regular few, who, when I'm planning an early morning run, which I post on Facebook (and then whine about it) will, if they are up, encourage me with comments of 'Are you up yet', or 'Get your arse out of bed' etc by commenting on my comment on FB which means my phone jingle jangles and there's no getting away from the comment I've made and the commitment to run.  The fact that I've made a public commitment, followed by encouragement from friends - also up that early(?) makes a huge difference.  I don't want to let anyone down and least of all myself.

Another before 7am Run - Crazy Arse Bird
Thing is, I really want to complete the Great South Run.  And I don't want to cross the finish line horizontal, crawling commando style, ripping my fingernails out as I drag myself over the tarmac.  Upright would be preferable.  Completed without walking would also be preferable.  And not last would be most preferable of all.  Increasing my fitness and running prowess is going to require, therefore, some dedication, with at least three runs a week . . . to start.

Life is a little hectic at the moment so the early morning runs are a necessity.  Last weekend I was in Bournemouth for the last of my Hypno training, and I've had my clients/case studies in the evenings this last week, hence the early morning runs.  Which, running on Thursday morning was amazing.  The sky was completely blue, with a big yellow thing in it.  I must do some research to find out what it was.

If you go down to the woods today you'll be sure of a big surprise . . .
To see me hoofing myself round a 5k route on Southampton common.  This was 'parkrun' a nationwide event, every Saturday all over the country.  You sign-up to get your bar code which is used to measure your time each week. Run 5K, cross the finish line, get your bar code at the end and you'll be emailed your results.  I'm still waiting for mine. But I can tell you now I'm not in the top ten!

I was thinking more tortoise and the hare when I set off, quickly reaching the lofty heights of last.  So the tortoise bit was clearly one of my strengths, lets just see if I had any others.  Even though this isn't a race 'so to speak' you get a certain feeling of competitiveness.  Now, growing up an only child, I have no such competitive urges, only really to beat myself.  Today's competitive urge was to NOT walk the route.  I nearly did it, I walked twice for a short period.  This is the best I've ever done so far as my running career goes and it feels great and I have to pat myself on the back.  Years ago I started running without any support and remember telling my (unconventional) Dad that I'd been running, properly chuffed with myself, he asked 'What did you steal?'. Still makes me smile today but perhaps, well done, you keep on going, might have been better.  Not half so much comedic value though.

So today I've run three miles and I survived. In true tortoise and hare style though I also, didn't finish last (insert smug smiley face). I just need to do that three times over and a little bit and the Great South Run is a piece of cake! I say to the Great South Run, you will not take me prisoner, or see me crawling commando style across the finish line.  I will finish in true Homsapien style.

So the running plan for the GSR is in production, nearly finished. And the Adam Eason hypnotherapy for Running starts in earnest.

Over and out, until the next run, thankfully an evening one.

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