Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Tis the season to be Merry . . .

Fa la, la, la, la la la, la


The fecundity of joy that assaults our senses everywhere we go starting in September, coming to it's unavoidable climax in December surely cannot be the experience of the majority of the population? The feeling that we must have 'the' most fun on 25th December, that we must 'stuff' ourselves to exploding point and be filled with an over whelming sense of love, (thank you Jesus), just ain't the case for most of us.

So as my Mum and Stepdad snore the afternoon away, full after a rather fabulous Christmas meal it was time to plan even more running for 2013.  So I've gone and done it, bought myself a Christmas present, but a Christmas present that will start in January and go on until October 6th. It's the present that just keeps on giving and giving.  I've bought my entry to the Bournemouth Half Marathon.  Eeek and double eeek.

I had thought when I started this blog that by the time the Great South Run had been and gone that I would be a svelte size 12, no wobbly bits in sight (well apart from the obvious ones and only surgery will stop that), toned, fit and full of energy.

I am a few of those things.  I am slimmer, svelter, fitter, more toned but not so full of energy (that could be down to the broken heart, the weeks illness, ensuing round of Christmas parties and the rather large Christmas dinner that I've just eaten). I realised that after a long run, well a long run in my book, say 8k, a man size pizza with all the trimmings afterwards do not lead to a svelte size 12.  It only leads to a misplaced sense of righteousness.

So with an even bigger goal to achieve in just over 10 months, it's time to get my proverbial skates on, cut out the man size pizza's, up my self hypnosis for running, crack on with Pilate's, get some help from a personal trainer, run lots more with running buddies and go get that svelte size 12, energy and reduction in wobbly bits (well . . . all but two of them).

So here's to running in 2013, and maybe I'll treat myself to a new pair of trainers as well?

Sunday, 16 December 2012

The Portsmouth Santa Fun Run

Wow, what a truly amazing, brilliant day.

It's not often that I set an alarm on a Sunday morning for 7am so that I can travel just over 20 miles in a Santa outfit to run 10k or 6.4 miles in old money.  But this Sunday was the Portsmouth Santa Fun Run, and it certainly lived up to it's name. It was just what the Dr ordered.

It was only about three weeks ago that I made the decision to sign-up and do the Santa Fun run being cajoled and encouraged by my new running chums Clare Horan and Jenny Jones and I'm really chuffed that they did.

After a horrible five weeks including a break up, some stressful work bollocks and a hideous cold (have I mentioned before I never get sick!  I promise I will stop whining about being poorly soon) running has been a great help.  Surprising I know, but being outdoors, pushing myself, meeting up with friends and getting those endorphins flowing through my veins is like a tonic and a healthy one at that. And so the Santa Run appeared to be an excellent idea.

I haven't done a big run since the Great South Run which is 10 miles, which wiped me out for a couple of weeks, followed by all of the above, my furthest distance in all that time has been 5k and probably only about four times.  Eek, my training has been quite low on the agenda and I was unsure of whether I'd actually be able to do it.

Sunshiny Day
So Sunday started with the most beautiful sunshiny morning, not a cloud in the sky, no harsh wind and even feeling pretty warm, which is great for running, not so great in a running outfit hidden by a Santa outfit.  It all gets pretty sweaty, pretty quickly.

Awash with Santa's
Arrival in Portsmouth saw the hurried dressing up as Santa with the obligatory bright red Christmassy lipstick for the ladies, it is Christmas after all and you've got to get a bit of glamour into running if you possibly can.  There was a posse of 10 of us, some running 5k and some running 10k and I must admit to feeling a teensy bit jealous that I hadn't put my name down for the 5k. In our posse was Clare Horan, Jenny Jones, Catherine Alpin, Barbara Boshier, Emma O'Brian, Linda, Mike and Evelyn (?) and Orelio who wasn't running as he was feeling pants. And we all cut a very fine Santa figure.

At the start line there were Samba drums which are amazing at getting you jeed up, warmed up and buzzing with excitement and the sea front was awash with Santa's.  I think there may have been about 1,500 Santa's down at the sea front, and it was fabulous to see.

And then we were off, up the promenade with the sea on our right and an enormous snake of red far off into the distance, snaking their way eventually back down the shingle beach (that was tough!) and back onto the promenade to continue the journey along the sea front.

Running ain't so difficult with support from friends
And it was tough, and it felt like a bloody long way, my legs felt heavy around the 7k mark, I was coughing but there was no effing way I was going to give in and walk.  I have to give a big thank you to Clare Horan, Jenny Jones, Linda and Evelyn for all their support on this run. It was tough for lots of reasons but also bloody brilliant fun.

And now I'm home, bathed, warm, a glass of red and smiling on the inside.

So if you're toying with the idea of starting to run, at the very least aim to do the Portsmouth Santa Fun Run for the RNLI, it's a great day you won't forget in a hurry.

Here's a Merry Christmas to all, have a wonderful time with your friends and loved ones.


Saturday, 15 December 2012

So I should make lemonade . . .

Running, running, running, still I keep running and still I keep at a similar speed. Sometimes I feel like a lumbering oaf, heaving myself around a park or suburbia, running and for what purpose. OK I know the answer to this one, to get better, faster, fitter, happier, run for longer, have more energy and prove to myself that I can do pretty much anything that I set my mind to, I remember now, there are a lot of good reasons why I run.

So being the ungrateful recipient of a cold, as someone who is rarely, if ever sick, or even remotely poorly it comes as a bit of shock to have to carry around tissues and blow my nose, and sniff and breath with my mouth open like a panting dog in the heat of Summer.

With a sore throat, laboured breathing, still .... I went running.  A new parkrun venue in Netley was the lucky recipient of my laboured run last Saturday. But what a lovely place to run, by the sea, through a bit of the woods and three short laps. The wonderful Arelio from Lordshill Road Runners ran with me, all the way round. Arelio is an experienced runner, 72 marathons under his belt, and he has the kindness and motivation to support and motivate those of us to do well and I am eternally grateful. I didn't get a personal best this week and I am a little disappointed but with a stinking cold a sort throat and running on a cold Winters day I was still out there and running rather than lying there in bed, feeling sorry for myself.

The Diet
In the effort to increase speed I'm guessing I should check out my diet, finding the best foods to aid recovery and provide much required energy to fuel the legs to go further for longer. Although I wish that a hot, pepperoni pizza would do all of the above, sadly I think I'll be disappointed. The Christmas holidays will give me the time and opportunity to get stuck into my collection of running magazines work out what to stock my cupboards with, cook and freeze stuff, all to make life a little easier and increase my speed just a little.

The Garmin Watch
An amazing watch which should, for all intents and purposes be my running saviour, getting that pace a little faster, a few more seconds off my times. And still the watch currently resides in its box, on a shelf, unused and unloved.  I have yet to read the instructions and yet to sort out my laptop as it seems as reluctant to pair with my garmin as I do. A gift somewhat tainted. And so it will sit, until I dig out the Silvo and polish the tarnish off once and for all, read those instructions and really start working towards that elusive PB.

Man Flu
'The Cold' turned into 'Man Flu' and the last week saw me mostly asleep, about 12 - 16 hours for the first three days and waking up in a pool of my own sweat, wishing that my Mum lived close by and could bring me some chicken soup and tlc.  Instead my new best friends now were the sofa, my bed, my hot water bottle and lemsip. But all good things come to an end, that and impending insanity being confined to the house saw me back at work on Friday and out at the works party on Friday night. And as I like to plan in advance I'd already passed up the opportunity to run at parkrun on Saturday morning and marshalled instead.  I was quite pleased with my decision, feeling slightly jaded, wishing the other runners well, feeling pleased for once that it wasn't me.

Santa Hats
Tomorrow is the Santa run in Portsmouth, a whole 10k and I'm feeling a little jaded and without my usual run buzz, but I'm sure the addition of a Santa hat will make all the difference, and if life gives you lemons, you know what to do.

Sunday, 2 December 2012

And so the brass monkeys roam

And so December starts even colder than some hearts but still the desire to run is running hot in my veins.

As I ventured back to the running club on a Monday night, it proved to be an experience where I wished I had a love of carrots more extreme than Bugs Bunny.  My first Monday night in months was a little darker, wetter and colder than the last time.  With the onset of Winter, dark evenings, high vis jackets and even more attractive high vis gloves you could have mistaken me for an uncool raver, sans glowstick and thumping music.

Surprisingly to all you non runners it was bloody lovely.  A whole bunch of runners sporting head torches (except for me) running around the common in the pursuit of fitness, a new personal best, stress relief and without any nervousness at all of being in the deepest darkest woods of Southampton Common.

This time of year the lure of the sofa and a warm red wine is extremely strong, especially when it feels like every breath will create a mini runway of frozen breath straight from your mouth.  Luckily I visualise the feeling after a run is far more desirable than the regret of not going.  I keep seeing a quote on Pinterest, along the lines of, 'it doesn't matter how fast you go, you are lapping everyone on the sofa', and so I remind myself of this every time the sofa is whispering my name.

The mental battle began again in earnest on Saturday morning when the temperature gauges were showing below 0 and the duvet was showing 'toasty'.  I considered my choices, stay in bed, drink tea, have a leisurely morning, or; get up, go to parkrun, get the endorphins going and feel rather chuffed with myself. Parkrun won. And it was brass monkeys cold, but I caught up with some runners that I haven't seen for a while and it's great friendly warm community, which overruled the 'toasty' duvet feeling.

Whether it was the freezing cold, or the considerable weight loss I've experienced these last few weeks, or sheer bloody mindedness, I don't know but I got a new personal best, an improvement of 39 seconds.  To anyone who doesn't run this might not sound like much, but seeing that figure certainly provides a mile wide grin across the face.

As my love affair with running grows I've now signed up for:

  • The Santa Fun Run for the RNLI on 16th December - so I will now need to find a Santa outfit.
  • The Stubbington 10k in January
  • And Thunder Run in July which I don't know much about, except it's through the night
But for right now, the heating is on, I have fresh coffee and some warm mince pies and the monkeys are on their own.